Co-Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom
Start Date/Time:
Friday, August 24, 2018 8:30 AM
End Date/Time:
Friday, August 24, 2018 3:00 PM
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority
VCOE Conference Center
This workshop is designed for general education and special education teachers and other specialists who currently co-teach or who plan to co-teach as part of their school's inclusion practice.  It will present ideas for avoiding the pitfalls that may occur with co-teachers who have different philosophies. backgrounds, or who are in an "arranged marriage."  It will provide practical strategies for ensuring that both teachers are actively and productively engaged.  Most importantly, it will showcase the positive benefits that co-teaching can bring about for students and, yes, for teachers too!  Appropriate for all grade levels. 

CLICK HERE to register.

Owned by Sarah Fontenot On Tuesday, May 15, 2018